The feature film project screenplay of Waking Up has been under development since 2011. Quite some time… Due to a massive stroke in 2015 just after the second draft was finished followed by a devastating divorce, the screenplay development has taken its time… But never the less, I managed to finish the screenplay of Waking Up, which is now on 120 pages in fourth draft. And in the fall of 2023 we shot a short film based on SCENE 62 from the screenplay. It has now been sent to over 200 festivals through Film Freeway, and so far it is selected/award winner on over 40 festivals! The film below is a trailer for the short film as it can’t be published before the festival circuit is complete..
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8 Posts
Collaboration with Sugarain productions
SANDØ FILM is proud to cooperate with Sugarain film production.
We are working on a short film with the theme ‘human trafficking’, a campaign for Human rights.
The story is in the process of writing, and we’ll be needing talented actors, both male and female.

Richard Rocks – A Major Assignment
Richard Rocks, the musical, is now officially released. The musical has been in the making since 1997 and is based on the play by Shakespeare about Richard III, the King of England. Richard III’s skeleton was found it Leicester in 2012, and the remains of this infamous king will be buried in Leicester in 2014. The musical, written by Peter Robsahm and Maria Robsahm, will have it’s premier in Leicester the same year.
I have been honored to make the promotional music videos that precedes the premier, and will also make some of the moving images that will be in the show itself. Here is the first music video; Save Me From That Night, when Richard’s mother understands what horrific deeds he has done:
New Films for Mariestad in Sweden
The films were scheduled to be finished 6 months ago, but that was before the politicians decided they wanted to spend more money on the films, and thus, more time. But now they are finally finished and was launched yesterday.
One 3:14 min film presenting the commune in the light I saw it as a more or less outsider, and one 20 sek TV commercial airing in the Örebro/Stockholm area. My first TV commercial by the way. Yay! Both films are trying to emphasize the good stuff about this place, which was many things making it hard to choose. But it looks like we have succeeded. Over 3500 veiws on YouTube the first 24 hours!
Mariestad is a cozy little town right on the east side the big lake of Vänern with lots of possibilities, but of course and emphasis on water sports and leisure activities.
You can see the films on the commune’s own website:…

Mariestad TV Commercial Finally Finished!
I’ve been working with Mariestad’s commune in Sweden for several months on a short TV commercial (20 sek) and a longer film (3-4 min). The TV commercial is finally finished and will air in Sweden in the Stockholm and surrounding areas from August. The longer film will be finished later this summer and will air on the web together with the commercial. They are both aimed at getting more people to move to Mariestad. I don’t blame them as this little town is a nice place, located next to Vänern as it is, the largest lake of Western Europe.
Location Scouting for Falks Grav
Went location scouting and shot planning for the dramatized documentary ‘Falks Grav’ the last couple of days. I will be the DOP (Director of Photography) on this film, which I am looking forward to. The film will be shot on different locations around Skaraborg in the last two weeks of June, 2013. Camera: RED Epic. The same one used for The Hobbit and Oblivion amongst many others.

The producers and director. Really nice guys.
Film Production in Mariestad, Sweden
Mariestad is located right next to the beautiful lake of Vänern, on it’s eastern side. The little town is conveniently positioned not too far from E20, and with quite equal distances to Stockholm, Gothenburg and Oslo, cities I all frequent in regards to film making.
Still, it is plenty to do in the area of Skaraborg, the county where Mariestad is located. I have been making lot’s of different films for many different companies in this area. Even the short film I made, ‘Waking Up’, was recorded in the woods just outside the city.
The city has a lot of great sunsets over Vänern…
Welcome to the News Page
Hello! And welcome to the news page. This page will be for random updates on my work as a film maker on different project. No films will be posted here, only news. For the films, go to the Portfolio page. 🙂